Term of use
All prices shown are FOB Factory. Most products originate in the USA, but some may originate elsewhere. This will be provided at the time of the official quotation.Shipping account number is required: please provide UPS, FedEx or DHL/Airborne Express account number for shipping charges. In some cases, we may not be able to use the customer shipping account number. For some items, shipping by an alternate carrier may be used (example: heavy, bulky items such as coffee mugs, bottled water may be shipped by a trucking company. In this case, a loading dock address may be required.) Alternatively, we can bill for the shipping.
Terms: for new customers, prepayment is required: for existing customers, please contact your Customer Support Representative. Terms may be established, subject to review.
We gladly accept Visa and MasterCard, American Express, money orders, cashiers checks and company checks.
Due to the nature of our business, all orders are non-cancellable. In cases where the cancellation can be accepted, there may be a cancellation fee, which will vary on a case-by-case basis. In the case of orders which have not gone in to production, there may be cancellation fees for artwork services provided, proofs, etc. This is billed at a rate of $100 per hour, with a 15 minute minimum, in 15 minute increments.
Products are not returnable, unless prior authorization is obtained. In the event authorization is obtained, an RMA number and ship-to address will be provided. There will be a restocking fee, depending on the product that is being returned. Special limitations apply to technology products and apparel.
Claims: All claims must be made, in writing, within 7 days of receipt of merchandise. No product returns will be accepted without an RMA Number. Ship-to address for the merchandise will be provided by brandeditems. All product returns must be received by brandeditems, or the consignee within 21 days of the claim being made.
Products are subject to an over or under-run. The percentage varies by product and factory used. the order will be adjusted for the quantity shipped, and charged accordingly.
Please see our artwork section for details on artwork requirements that need to be met prior to order acceptance.
We reserve the right to not accept any order due to one of our many factories not meeting our quality requirements. We have over 1,000 factories that work for us, and offer many of their products for sale, but are not responsible for the quality of the product. In some cases we may recommend alternate products, or need to supply an alternate product from another factory in order to meet our client event date. This will be discussed with client prior to the alternate product being used.
All products subject to inventory availability and to prior sale.
Every effort is made to ensure prices are correct: in the case that there is a pricing error, brandeditems, inc. may not be able to honor the pricing shown on the web site.
Lead times shown are approximate, and generally can be met. These are normally shown as standard lead times: this is from the receipt of the order, along with the acceptable artwork and approval of proofs.
Special note regarding technology products: Memory prices are volatile, and subject to change. Prices will be confirmed within 24 hours of order being placed with brandeditems. Blank items are non-returnable. Orders, once placed, will not be readjusted in the event the price drops.
Minimum order value is $1,000.00, unless a Corporate Account is established, or we are planning to do so with new customers. If the order value is under $1,000.00, a $250.00 handling fee will be applied to the order.